Monday, 19 August 2013

Poppies - Second Wash

Today I worked mainly on applying the second wash of colour to my very yellow poppies :)  I laid in some vermillion and cadmium red to the appropriate areas, darkening some sections more than others as appropriate.  I have to say that I really like the picture way more than the actual painting!  Maybe it's because I can get too close to the real thing and can see all the problem areas, but in the picture it all looks much cleaner.  Anyway, already I can see some spots that I will need to bring more attention to next time.

The left poppy is moving along quite nicely I think.  The right hand side of the right poppy, as well as the bottom-most petal are going to need more attention.  These areas should be darker and show more red, less yellow.  I will also need to start thinking about how I will be adding some cooler colours to move some spots into the back more for depth.  Then I will draw in the flower centers and start considering them more closely.

Things are definitely moving in an exciting direction now though!!

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