Sunday, 19 January 2014

Week 3 complete

Overall, I have to say that week 3 showed some excellent progress.

1) Workshop painting - since my orchid didn't make it through to the end of the week, I ended up taking an african violet.  I'm hoping it will be much easier to care for :)

The workshop was loads of fun!  We really only got to start the drawing and preliminary work with the coloured pencils, so I have more work to do this week in order to see a finished work at the end of the workshop next Saturday.

2) Make notes on book #2 - this is going very well, I have to say.  I am more than 50% through the book and I don't see any problems with completing this on schedule.

I did finish (but can it ever really be finished?) the weekly schedule for myself and so far I think it is working well.


One other thing that I was doing this past week was registering for two courses through Ryerson University for their Publishing Certificate.  I was a little over a week behind when I signed up, but I had hoped to be able to catch up quickly.  The Universe, however, had different ideas...

First, when I reviewed the courses I didn't find any mention of textbooks being used (and trust me I looked).  So I was more than a little surprised to find that I needed to buy not two, but three books!  I could've purchased them through the Ryerson book store, but I could get it through Amazon much cheaper.  The problem with Amazon was the delivery date.  The books wouldn't arrive until beginning to mid February if what they said was true.  I have ordered from them before and received my books well before the ETA, so I thought for the cost I would take the gamble with them.

Second, I did not get access to the courses until Saturday (I registered on Tuesday).  As far as I can tell, this is unusual, but I did email the department and they said I just had to wait.  This means that I am now a full 2 weeks behind in my courses, not just one.  Plus, I have the next week to get through as well!!

Needless to say this will heavily impact my objectives for the next few weeks.  Week 4 may have to be pushed into week 5 and week 6 so I can catch everything up.

The moral to this story: don't register for courses late.  It's not worth the stress.  Really.  Just wait until the next term.  I will do my best to catch up and recover to what I had hoped to achieve in the beginning, but it will be hard work and will distract from my other goals (at least temporarily).

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