Monday, 24 March 2014

Draw Fu - drawing for beginners

I know a LOT of people who say they can't draw.  Are you one of these people?  Drawing frightens many because it can look complicated and secretive - sometimes magical!  Well, if you are a person that feels you couldn't draw a straight line if your life depended on it (or you know someone who feels this way), the following site may be for you.

I recently came across this website.  It's pretty new by the looks of it, starting this year.  The Art of Draw Fu by Luis Escobar tackles the drawing concept from a different angle.  When you click on the link you will see the home page.  Click on the "If you're new start here" tab at the top to get into Mr Escobar's reasons for why Drawing is like Kung Fu.

He's only just completing the notes for level 0 (beginner), and I suspect it will eventually go towards cartoon/animation illustration eventually, but there will ultimately be 6 levels of drawing instruction, and it's free!

If you scroll down to the levels section, you can download a free digital book for level 0.  Further down the page, you can subscribe to weekly newsletters, tips, etc.

I don't think of myself as a beginner level in drawing, but there's always something new to learn!  I love how the flavour of this site is so unthreatening!  Considering that it's basing it's teaching structure around Kung Fu, that seems pretty funny to me.  I've signed up for his newsletter and I have a copy of his digital book - very cool!

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