Monday, 8 July 2013


I know I haven't posted in a few days (okay more like over a week), and I apologize.  It's been an absolutely crazy few weeks in my house and I haven't had a spare moment to think, let alone do any drawing or painting.

I haven't been completely lazy however.  I have been reviewing the books from the library and taking notes.  I've learned a lot from them so far, including how to organize what I draw in a more useful manner.  Gurney and Kinkade recommend having a variety of sketchbooks for different purposes.  One small one for each type of subject (i.e. trees, flowers, people, clothing, etc), one bigger one for notes and thumbnails when you plan a new project, and one for notes taken from workshops, books, videos, etc.  I absolutely LOVE the concept of organizing my ideas and work in a better manner so that they can become references and resources instead of a shamble of mixed up stuff (which is what I usually have).

As well, I recently had a request to purchase my ammonite picture.  It's not a picture I'm 100% in line with though.  There were a LOT of mistakes.  Instead of selling that one, I asked if I could do it again.  Since I have no other projects on the go I started work on it today :)

A few of the changes I've made is: 1) working from the actual object instead of a picture of the object, 2) a darker shade of paper, 3) a smaller scale of paper, 4) actually fit the image to the paper.  I plan to use charcoal and conte for dramatic effect.  I hope this turns out as cool as the image in my head!

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